Now I'm not talking about how their launch went. That's already been discussed about. I'm talking about Nintendo packaging Wii Sports with the Wii. Wii Sports is a good game, but it can get old pretty quickly. It's fun to play in short bursts, but there isn't much substance so people will probably forget about it when more good games come out (or already have if they have Zelda). However, packaging the game in with the Wii was smart on two parts.
The first part is the fact that some people may not have been able to afford anything else besides the console, so including Wii Sports with the Wii is good for the consumer. I know some people go out and just buy the console to have it for the future when they can get games for it. I did it when the PSP came out...but later just got rid of it, when there were basically no good games for the system that I couldn't play on a PS2.
The second part is that they probably couldn't sell it seperately. Nintendo could probably have released the Wii for $199 or $229 without Wii Sports, but they included it in the system to give it the extra "value" so they could charge more (and show off some of what the Wii could do). A very smart business move. Nintendo probably realized that it would have been hard to try and sell Wii Sports seperately. There isn't enough to it to constitute a $49.99 or even a $19.99 price tag. I know I would have had a hard time trying to reason why I should pay for the game when there really isn't much to it. There are more crappy budget games that offer more then what Wii Sports does, just not the fun that you can have with Wii Sports.
So, good job Nintendo. You gave something to the consumer and did a good business move at the same time. Something that Sony should think about.