This is probably the main Top Ten list I do, as there is only one or two more that I do this year. This list is always difficult to do as each game I play is usually good. No real crap games, so getting ten can be difficult. Most of these games will probably be on most of the sites and other people's personal list.
10. Super Paper Mario (Wii) - Half 2D, half 3D, Super Paper Mario is a funny and enjoyable game. The story is decent, but nothing to write home about. The characters that you get to play, besides Mario, make the game more interesting as you have different powers to use. And the first time you use Bowser's fire breath underwater, you can't help but give a chuckle. The combat is easy compared to most Mario games, well even easier, but I think that makes it easier to play through. While it was originally supposed to be a GameCube game, the change over to the Wii was a good thing as the controls are easy to use and a little more interactive...slightly.
9. Crysis (PC) - The best looking game out there...if you can run it. The best part of the game though is it's single player game. It's unique. Just as you've thought you've played it all before in FarCry, it does a complete 180. The zero gravity level is pure genius, and the final battle is just incredible. But while the single player is good, I didn't enjoy the multiplayer. Too much like BF2, and it takes awhile to get into it. Also, while it is agreat game, I have a hard time rating it higher than tenth as most people will never see how good it really is. Even people with hardcore systems have a hard time running it on the highest settings, which is a shame.
8. skate (360) - A fresh take on the skateboarding genre. Ok, it doesn't take that much to be a fresh take on skateboarding games as long as the name Tony Hawk is no where in the title. skate has some great new gameplay innovations, a big city to skate around in, and the X-Games Big Air event. There is some great promise with skate and if EA continues with the franchise it will definitely be better than the Tony Hawk series, which I already consider it is.
7. Guitar Hero III (360) - More songs and better quality songs, in my opinion, are what make GHIII a great game. The songs are fun to play and even songs that people may not like to play (Before I Forget by Slipknot) I enjoyed playing. However, as much as I liked the game and enjoyed playing it, there were some things that bugged me. I didn't want to battle the Rock Legends and why do they think they have to make it harder every game. Sure, the core players of it are these experts that will 5 star Through the Fires and Flames on their first try, but what about the people that just enjoy playing the game for fun...not challenge. I've played a demo of Rock Band at Best Buy and found it much more fun, but since I didn't have a full version of it, I couldn't really put it on my list. Maybe with GHIV they'll tone the difficulty down and ditch the battle mode.
6. Assassin's Creed (360) - Graphically stunning and a great control scheme, but lacks depth. A common statement about Assassin's Creed, and it's true. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Assassin's Creed is a fun game even when it does repeat itself over and over again. Killing people remains fun and the combat is easy but has some strategy to it. The story is kind of weird and just as you get into the world it seems to take you right back out of it. But if you can get over the story flaw and the repetition of the missions, then it is a great game.