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Foot of the mountain.

well i've been lurking round here alot less lately, but i've finally worked my way up to level 20, metal slime, which i've heard is the big one round here. So i'll probably be lazily woking my way up the percentage chart from now on and looking to make my posts more immune to moderation.

also if you've read my last blog, which was a while ago now, you'll now i had just bought an xbox 360 with GTA IV. well, my collection is still just as small, however GTA is looking way up. In short i like it alot, and all apects are usually fantastic bar some little annoyance, and the small technical glitches are starting to get on my nerves. but saying that it's probably worth a 9-9.5 in my book. Anyway, i'll be expanding my collection soon hopefully, and my fingers are crossed beyond the point of agony that we will be getting a great new tv set up really soon.

also you may have noticed i've sorted out xbox live, however i havn't got gold just yet. but add me if you want and if i recognise you i should gladly accept :), Antares 007 is my gamertag thing.

p.s - who ever's got the "rolled over" achievement in GTA IV, i need help. desperately. its just not happening for me!

see you round people.