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mystery_dude Blog


A Blog

Today I sat in bed with illness, I should currently be levelling up in Gran Turismo 5 so that I can get the 24hr Endurance Le Mans for this Friday (24/06/11) and therefore neglect my social life and friends this weekend. On top of all this it is my last week of school and I refuse to go in because it is the most boring thing that any human ever has to struggle through. This summer shall be spent doing nothing but drinking and playing games, just the way I like it. This is the life eh? Well as you may have noticed I have lost the ability to painfully drag out my blogs unless I have something to talk about. I have recently discovered a great website called Neovella on which I have multiple short stories. Feel free to check them out, they are all unfinished but I hope they atleast give you a few laughs. That is all from me today. Ciao!

Bonjela: Hero Of Ordegron -

Early Evening (Twilight Parody) -

A Mysterious Mystery -

Triple Decker -

I Am Bad At Blogs


Yes I am still alive, and I have grown up beyond making terrible videos about terrible things. I have updated my games system and I may upload a picture of my new set up. Apart from this nothing much has changed except for my haircut and my height. I really need to update my games library as I have purchased alot recently. I also purchased a steering wheel for Gran Turismo 5.

To blog or not to blog

Hey hey hey,

tis mystery_dude here with my first blog in a longggg time. As you saw in my previous blog i owed my mother money for the PS3, that is long paid off but i am now in new debt.

Now with every second closer to Xmas the pressure is on to get present for family and friends. I quite often don't spend a whole lot on present but being in debt to my mum doesn't help. I will probably end up just getting books and perfume and the likes for my family and friends.

Now, GAMES! Once again Xmas is approaching and Santa's sack shall be full of games this year for children across the world. From Modern Warfare 2 and Assassins Creed II to Tony Hawk's Ride (Spew) and things like Wii Fit. For those out there which need to involve gaming even in their fitness life. I currently have my own small wish list of games for Santa Clause to be bringing me because I'm extra special. The top of the list being Assassins Creed II Black Edition. It has been raised in price constantly and i am always hoping to myself that it shall drop to it's original price, but I am not sure that will be happening before the 'Season To Be Jolly' has come and passed. Nevertheless I am always left with a sum of money after a few smaller presents, which could be used to purchase Assassins Creed II Black Edition.

DJ Hero. Yet another on my list of game to be had for Xmas time. I have played it in my local Superstore, Tesco and it is brilliant. I love it and think that if they keep it simple like it is it should produce some good sequels. With potential for peripheral improvement but so long as it isn't taken so far as the game gets off track. As I, personally think Guitar Hero has gone. What with the new installment of band hero, and thankfully Guitar Hero 5 not really containing any new amazing peripherals.

General Bullcrap.

Life has been boring with the move into 3rd at school going smoothly and definitely not as exciting as one is lead to believe. School is just as it has always been, learning new things that seemed hard the year before when seen on someone elses jotter all become clear when actually taught to you. I have recently been infested by a horrible beast. Something that eats me from within(literally). I was infested by Sarcoptes scabiei. Or Scabies to you and I. I had left it too long to go to the doctors and have been left with some pretty icky blisters and scabs. But the treatment seems to have worked, although the unfortunate itch shall continue for a few weeks. Apart from this i have the usual Winter blues and a bit of the flu.

I hope this gets read and if i get more people watching i shall actually make some of these promised video blogs. But without views i am finding it pointless to waste my time to set up the condenser microphone.

Signing Out, Mystery_Dude.

Life And Stuffs

So, as you may have read my previous blog, you will know that i didn't want to pay to fix my xbox. And I didn't i got myself a PS3

It was expensive but worth every penny, i also started with a bigger games list than most. As my brother already has a PS3. My PS3 ID is the same. It is still KC-95 if i remember correctly.

I got the last copy of Skate 2 at one of the local game stores the day after release. It is pretty awesome, if a little easy. I also have been very engrossed in Fallout 3 and I am extremely disappointed with the PS3 version not having the DLC, although i've heard it is incredibly exspensive.

All in All life is good, been and gone to Australia, it was fun! Although i do owe my mum £70 ($140) for the PS3, and that is rough because i don't know what the exchange rate is at the moment!

Except from the credit crunch (sounds like a cereal) everything is good

Signing Off,


also look out for a video blog soon!

In My School and Stuff

Currently, i sit here, on a Friday. In my ICT class. Bored out of my skull!

This being so boring i decidedededed to update my writing blog. As it would be too emabassing for me to make a video blog.


Well. My xbox 360 has given up the Ghost. What a load of crap. They would like a kind donation of £60 from me to get it repaired a second time.

I fully disagree about paying, because after repairing once, i decided to take all precautions to stop it from happening again. This time there were no Red lights of death. But the games freeze every time i would like to enjoy a game of assassins creed or something of the likes. So i am going to sell the xbox on Ebay for spare parts. Then all my games are also being sold, a completely wiped Xbox 360 HDD. 20gb. For my Xmas i am getting money. So i am going to buy a PS3!!!!:D then i am also buying Guitar Hero World Tour. I Am going to Australia though, so i will not be online Jamming or that because i will be in the land downunder. The furthest in the world i have been from this **** country of Scotland. Looking forward to that. And apart from that, nothing has gone on in my life. Boring stuff.

Oh yeah, back at school. Crap as ever!

I will be up with some more blogs, both writing and video blogs.

Ciaow Everyone!


Now I have been known for my random unexpected delays. So I thought this time i best warn you. I am soon ordering a capture card. So that I may have decent quality gameplay in my reviews. The one I plan to do for GTA 4 shall be used with a capture card, so I thought I would warn you of delays, time for it being delivered and getting it setup etc.

Thank You for you patience, and sincerely sorry about this!

P.S. I am doing this with your viewing pleasure and no more crappy quality in mind, $120 or £60 im spending on this, so please enjoy:D

Mirrors Edge

After reading about this game in a magazine that once again I shall not say which one as I don't want to advertise. I was like OMG it Looks AWESOME!!! And after seeing the first trailer for it, that statement remains true. A first person Parkour game that works, you can see evrything around you blurring, a recent thing to do in FPS's I have noticed is putting feet in it now adays. This was always the plan with Mirrors Edge. IN the magazine I was reading about how the animation team were going about such an immensely big project, I read they had over 300 hand gestures and movements and they were no where near finished. Comparing that with most other FPS's with about 30 hand animations, then you can tell they are working hard for this game. After seeing the trailer it has made me pre order it, and look forward to seeig a release date.

Thanks For Reading.

Quick Life Update

I have grown to be a year older not much wiser though. I have got Grand Theft Auto 4 thanks to a website i shall not specify, dont want to advertise. And i have made myself a website, that hasn't yet had much done to it, but not bad I suppose.

Please check it out tell me what you think, thank you, and bare in mind I haven't done much to it, thanks.

Kyle henderson Is the best!

I have got a new internet phone number on my PC it is great and extremely cheap to call if you are Local it is free.

Can be called via phone or skype.

the number is displayed until i go to bed!


I recently found a quite good monitor in my garage sitting there with lost potential! I grabbed it struggled with it through the door and up the stairs then set it up to the mighty DUALVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

This all began because my brother thought it would be a good idea to play WoW(world of warcraft) on his Samsung 32" HD.

We found out that we had an S-Video cable and it had an S-Video cable port. SO we tried but it would pick it up then I remembered (the genius that I am) we have a scart with a S-Video socket on it. I fetched it out from the dark realms of his cupboard and stuck the S-Video cable on. THe greatness was there I could smell the glory when Bam Its in Black and White Son Of A B----!

Later on I remembered whilst in the garage to get the cable I saw a monitor. I went down later and struggled upstairs with it then set it up for DualView!! More in Next Weeks Blog, Bye!!!