I recently found a quite good monitor in my garage sitting there with lost potential! I grabbed it struggled with it through the door and up the stairs then set it up to the mighty DUALVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!
This all began because my brother thought it would be a good idea to play WoW(world of warcraft) on his Samsung 32" HD.
We found out that we had an S-Video cable and it had an S-Video cable port. SO we tried but it would pick it up then I remembered (the genius that I am) we have a scart with a S-Video socket on it. I fetched it out from the dark realms of his cupboard and stuck the S-Video cable on. THe greatness was there I could smell the glory when Bam Its in Black and White Son Of A B----!
Later on I remembered whilst in the garage to get the cable I saw a monitor. I went down later and struggled upstairs with it then set it up for DualView!! More in Next Weeks Blog, Bye!!!