blah then i would have to buy a new console and games, and for some reason i just like my xbox more my brother has a ps3 i just don't know what it is. probably the fact that all of my friends have xbox live and on ps3 i don't have any friends and by all my friends i mean 30 plus people i know in real life. probably the only thing keeping me to xbox
so today i sent my xbox in for the 5th repair since i've had it, and what i wonder is why microsoft won't just give me a new box instead of refurbishing it. because refurbishing it obviously doesn't work. anyways i'm sitting here wanting to play fallout 3 :( but i can't. I hate you microsoft :cry:
i feel like i've been ripped off of my old themes and gamerpics that are pretty much useless now. i also don't like starting on the spotlight page with a whole bunch of gay ads. look if i'm paying 50 a year for xbox live which doesn't even provide dedicated servers or anything to make playing games online better then i should be treated like a god. i mean come on ps3 has all the same stuff for free! and home will be better cuz its not stupid and childish. look m$ you'll never have the kid market they will be owned by nintendo forever be happy with the customers you have and please them not piss them off!!!
ok first i'm not sure about the game saves if i'm right you share them as long as its on the same profile if not you can get a memory card and transfer them like that. second no when you put your credit card on the account it pays for that one account just make sure you signed in on the one you want to edit/pay for
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