@ray123: Thats awesome man. I enjoy halo as well. Its totally your choice, but if you want my opinion, the elite controller would be worth buying for anyone who's truly trying to up their game. You'll likely notice a difference in your speed and accuracy with this elite controller, which would clearly improve your halo game. If you want to be just a little bit better, this controller is for you. It truly is a better controller. You can feel the difference. In halo, everything moves so quickly, this controller might be the difference between win or lose in certain competitive online matches. You never know, it might just save you a few times! Haha. It could be worth your while, but only you know how high of a level you play at.
MystiKyle's forum posts
@atomolog: Awesome! Do you think you could give me the names of all the games that aren't backwards compatible?
For anyone who owns xbox one and still hung on to their 360.... do you still put games into the 360 and play them? Or have you completely switched over to backwards compatibility on xbox one? I ask this out of sheer curiosity. I myself own one of last 360 models that was released-the xbox 360 E. Its blue, shiny, and I just love it. Before getting my xbox one, i played my 360 constantly. I still play the 360 to this day, despite having the backwards compatible option on my xbox one. Surely I'm not the only one! Thoughts?
This controller was designed with hardcore gamers in mind. What type of gamer are you? If you play intense online multiplayer, or even just like to maximize the quality of your gaming experience, i'd say go for the elite. But if you're more of a casual gamer, take a standard controller and save the money for a new game perhaps.
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