mythrol's forum posts
Not game quality. Console quality. Game quality would actually go up because Developers wouldn't have to split their resources on developing for multiple platforms. It'd be easier on them. Giving them more time to focus on the actual game. The problem is 1 company owning the entire console business would give them no reason to ever improve their hardware. They could also tell costumers and developers to go stick it. If you want to play ball, you have to go through us. It would go badly, eventually. At first I'm sure it'd be ok and help developers but after awhile, all companies with complete power go evil. Even Nintendo would do it.It'd elminate competition, which could decrease game quality.
JRPG's can go to hell this gen. ( on consoles at least ) Develeopers haven't made a good console RPG since Rogue Galaxy[QUOTE="xXShortroundXx"][QUOTE="no_more_fayth"]
JRPG brothers and sisters need to stick together in a place such as this lest we get eaten alive.
Tales of Vesperia disagrees with you.
Along with Final Fantasy XIII, Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata.
3/4 games you listed were not good. Tales story was just horrid. What Kingdom is going to actually let their Princess travel around the world with a person who dropped out of the Knights? The entire first 20 hours or so of the game is just so completely unbelievable. The combat is good. Just the characters and story were not.
Eternal Sonata had great music and art style. But again, I don't know what's wrong with Japanese RPG developers but their stories are just horrible. I actually quit playing the game because I got to an area, after going through and killing hordes of monsters, where there's a goat standing on a bridge. He won't move, and so you have to play a pixel hunt game and run around the area trying to find paper for him to eat so he'll move. ZOMG REALLY?!?!?! I mean you can't get more awful than that.
FFXIII, I don't even want to go into. Hope's entire basis for being mad at Snow is just stupid and no real person would be. The Australian girl is just annoying. They drop you into a game world that's fully fleshed out and yet explain NOTHING to do, all while using terms that you have no idea what they mean. Poor writing. The game is linear, the stores are pointless, I could keep going but I've already said far too much on the subject elsewhere.
LO is the only one that you listed that I would rank as "good". Even it had it's flaws, the children characters come off annoying. The entire Wall system is broken and later in the game, pointless. But where LO makes up for it is some truly amazing moments. Cid is great and his story and how he relates to certain characters was unexpected and charming. The entire idea of an immortal without his memories is an interesting idea and they play up well on it. And without a doubt, the dream sequences are AMAZING. The best writing I've read in a JRPG, pretty much ever. As a whole though, JRPGs this gen have become stagnant with little innovation.
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