I'll tell you whats wrong :| my mom took me to a shrink cuz she felt that's something was wrong with me for these last few days , then that shrink told me to draw something so he can get an idea about me .. i drew something weird that i cant describe .. but in the end ..he concluded that I'm a perverted psychopath :| I'm not too happy about that :| , i'm so angry i think that I'll explode :| .. anywhoo.. i want to make me a new sig but I'm too lazy to make any thing ..i think that I'll keep my sig for week or so .. [spoiler] I don't know whats wrong cuz i cant use any face except this on :| [/spoiler] and ..i'm going to be less active starting from Saturday :( ..i'm not in a good mood lately ..and for school reasons too bye :|
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