My First Platinum
by n33d2skate on Comments
So last night I got my first platinum. Assassin's Creed II. For awhile I only had two more trophies but I was just to lazy to get them. So, since school is over, I decided to buckle down and get the plat. I was missing about 5 feathers in Venice and since I didn't want to run around the whole place in Eagle Vision, I just printed out district maps. The real problem was Tuscany. I was getting really pissed off. I checked each feather location like 10000 times. Went online and watched videos of their locations. It turned out that I was looking at the wrong building the whole time! So, I got the feathers, returned them to the Villa, and watched a glitchy cutscene. I don't like the Auditore cape. Finding 100 feathers just to make you notorious! COME ON! Anyways, I got the "Show Your Colors" trophy and BLING I got the Platinum. WIth one plat under my belt, it seems I have alot of confidence to platinum other games, preferably Uncharted 2 and FALLOUT 3. I will say that I feel pretty awesome.