Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
by n33d2skate on Comments
If you're a gamer, there's one term you've heard. Fanboys. They're everywhere, on every system, for every game. They're annoying and will do anything to defend what they love. These people are what make PS3 owners hate the 360 owners. Why? They're both great gaming systems and have a great selection of games. 360 has exclusives and PS3 has exclusives. They share alot of things in common. Let's just get along! Stop the senseless war! I own a PS3. I perfer it over the 360. That doesn't mean I don't hate the 360. Trust me I would love to own one buy I'm not a spoiled little brat who wants every gaming system to show off to their brat friends who will only end up 1-uping (HAHA) them. There are bad things about both systems FACE IT! The 360 breaks down and the PS3 has a cooling problem. Let's just all get along! Back in the old days, everyone had the same systems! They didn't argue about which is better. The PS3 isn't better than the 360 and vice versa. So people, next time you come across a PS3 owner and you own the 360 or you come across a 360 owner and you own a PS3, shake their hand. *results may vary