I fell in love with this game when i saw the 30 mins walkthrough. This looks like the best of all the AC games.
n3rdcor3's forum posts
Ill take Battlefield over CoD any day of the week.
United Gamer Alliance
UGAlliance is a gaming community/clan looking for members who’d like to join. UGA has just opened shop and has a Division for GTA Online and Battlefield 4. I was with my previous clan for over three years and wanted to open a new clan with the help of my friend Corvo. Together we are wanting to provide other “like-minded” members a place to call home for their GTA V and Battlefield 4 needs. We also have plans to have at least three game nights per-week. This is to have a scheduled time to meet outside of your busy life and have time to bond and have fun.
Q) What games do we support?
A) We support only GTA V as of now with plans to open a CoD Ghosts and Battlefield 4 Division.
Q) Does UGAlliance play other games than Division based games?
A) Yes, we play The Last of Us (wanting to turn this one into a division) as well as Bad Company 2. We’d like to fit BO2 and BF3 in as well.
Q) Is UGAlliance a structured type of clan?
A) Yes, UGA is a structured clan with a CoC like the military uses. This has proven to be the best way for a clan to be successful and keeps members active. This also gives members a chance to rank up and lead their very own squad.
Q) Why are there Game Nights?
A) As most gamers are parents, servicemen in the military, or full time students, this gives us a chance to schedule days and times to meet up and play online together as a team.
Q) Are there squads or teams?
A) Yes, we have teams for each division we have in UGAlliance. Each team will have their own scheduled game nights.
Q) What are UGA requirements for joining?
A) All members MUST have a mic and use it, be mature, and be at least 16 years or older.
Q) What systems does UGAlliance support?
A) UGAlliance only supports PS3 and will open up a PS4 side later in 2014.
Other things UGAlliance provides/offers:
- Real life comes first, no matter how small your situation is
- With military structure all members with a want can lead their own squad.
- Online streaming through Twitch.
- YouTube
- A community website that's mobile friendly
- Social Club, Call of Duty Elite, and Battlelog
If interested please visit
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