Please get off my back,
because my legs are beginning to give;
Don't punish me for the way I choose to live.
No, you're not cool for wearin a fake grill.
No sir, you aren't tight for your overrated basketball skillz.
No way, I'll give you props for starting a fight over a chicken sandwich.
No chance, my car will stop for your blinging wristband which,
for some reason you call a watch,
when you can't read time and instead you grab your crotch,
and ramble random rap songs,
by a foolish poet long gone to the other side;
the bottom of a downhill slide.
Filled with stories that no one told.
Tracks that never sold.
Ideas that to soon grew old.
Will never smoke a joint,
Never start a beef,
and never ever for your sake turn over a new leaf.
So, please get off my back, my legs can take no more,
my body refuses to be this sore.
I'll always ignore you, because I aim for something more.
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