Homebrew up in Heeyah??!
by n8archer_XI on Comments
my PSP is longing for the 3.0 update. but isn't everybody's? But mine is substantially different. It longs for sacred homebrew too....... but goddamnit, Sony's firmware updates R so damn appealing! But subsequentially, they destroy my homebrew dreams also. I quit. I won't update to 2.75, 2.876534, or anything! I'll stick it out for the damn downgrader! Is it really hurting Sony anyways?? Am I draining their money by simply enjoying my PSP 2 the fullest??! The hell with illegality! I want my homebrew! Even if I have to trade my 2.71 for a 2.6, knowing that Downdater file is being hosted somewhere..............somewhere. And that is a blog.