Fying in SA with a k/b and mouse is stupidly difficult! I always kept the controller on hand to use while flying and then switch back to k/b and mouse!
Really looking forward to next gen consoles coming out, not specifically for the games but so we also get better quality games on pc, the current gen consoles (being still great for an 8-9 old console) tend to hold PC games back because the hardware in pc's are constantly evolving and consoles are static.
Games like this are just the beginning of the great games we all can expect to enjoy regardless of your platform of choice.
@ keren_men Don't take GS Rating to heart man, the game is seriously worth a play. While they have removed a few elements that make the other SC games fun, there is plenty added to make up for it. Make sure you read the user reviews too, I find they give a broader opinion to the games pros and cons.
nabed4t's comments