Okay, have a long time since my last post here in GS... too much time to be real. Unfortunately, I don't see a change in this, it's really impossible to take care of updated blog here, but I'm not going to delete my account or nothing like this. I guess some topics and blogs can be writted be me sometimes, like this time :P
I'm certain about one thing... one posts is too short to talk about everything that happened with me in this time of my ausence, but I'll try. Let's begin...
In the moment that I writted my last blog, I was dealing with a channel of TV here in Brazil (I'll not make drama, direct in the point :P ) called Multishow, we did a contract and I they gave me a chance to star one TV show called "Será Que Faz Sentido" based on the name of my youtube channel 'Não Faz Sentido'. In this sitcom I play myself (Yes, myself Felipe) a guy that searchs to be an Actor, and crazy things happens everytime wiht him (oh wait, not with him, with ME xD) That's it, I already recorded the first season of the Show, 15 episodes with 15 minutes each. And that's it all my busy in these days...
Here's a chapter of my TV show... watch at least the 6:02
With this images and the video you realize that my TV show is very "normal" right :P
I finished all the recordings but events and some other things took my time, I can't do anything to evade this...
About the Christimas and the New Year... I really sorry to not pick a time and wish Merry Christimas and Happy Neew Year to you all, really sorry for that... the case is, I was in Paris, so the last thing that I see in that local is Internet, I was of vacation of all :P
Moulin Rouge
Anyway, if still valid my Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to You All (late but done).
Another point is, a lot of people are asking to me here in my inbox about the flood in Rio de Janeiro, my city, friends, unfortunately a lot of people falled with this disater, the state of calamity are declared here... fortunately, Me and family and friends are okay, our houses aren't in risk areas. But i felt sad for the people here. Thaks to all that asked and remembered me, even I far from here (I talk about GS) for a long long time... really my Thanks! Again, it's everything okay with me.
And that's it, I wish i could talk more her, I have things to talk, but it's best to leave to another updade right...
Oh, and my gaming life it's okay... I'm not a traitor od the games :P
Thanks for the read, I don't know when I'm back, but this is not a goodbye :)