So as you can see I am now level 23 but that is not really interesting. If you noticed I havent been online a lot lately and the reason for that is that i have a huge exam in history tomorrow and I have been spending most of my time studying for it. :S
And now for something completely different:
I got my Guitar Hero II about two weeks ago and im proud to tell you that I will soon finsh it on hard. I also finshed all the songs on normal with 5 stars (maybe for some people it is not so hard but for me it is ^^) and got 301204 points on Free Bird.
Another thing I did this week other then studying is playing GTA Vice City (I borrowed it from a friend) and I think its a great game but it could have been better if some of the missions weren't so frustrating and if there were less bugs (I found a lot of them).
So until I finsh all the other exams I wont be online a lot so I wont be able to post at your blogs.
And now i need to go back and study ( :cry: ), bye.