Hey and welcome to the third entry of TMM. Today was a Friday. As we all know, Fridays just own, period. But I've so far spent the afternoon playing games. Games made out of WOOD. Yes, I've been buisy playing Chess with my dad. For those of you who play Chess, then you know that it is, far and away, the best turn-based strategy game ever invented. For those you who don't play Chess, well, I think there's a new Mario Party coming out soon, so go out and blow 50-60 bucks on it. Noob.
Also, if you play Chess with those little plastic pieces that blow away in the wind and are always lost during elemetary school play time, then you're also a noob.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that Chess is incredibly kickass. The swirling mists of strategy, super computers, and geeky programmers that surround the game keep many people away. Oh, and maybe they think it's too complex too. But my point is that you should try Chess if you haven't before, and if you have, well, maybe its time to put Civilization IV or Warcraft III away and play a REAL strategy game. In fact, probably the first complex strategy game ever invented. And don't use lame plastic pieces.
I've actually found that gaming improves my Chess performance, and vice versa. So if you're looking to sharpen you're "strats" by doing something the rest of the world considers "intellectual", then play Chess. Really.
Oh, and by the way, my banner blows. Yes, I know. What, you gonna whine? I love my name, and therefore so should you.
Watch out for Entry 4, which will contain tips on how to remove metal splinters. Ciao.
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