I like to take online surveys. I have memberships where as I take surveys, I get points which are later redeemed for gift certificates, which I then use to feed my addiction towards DVD's and video games (tee hee).
Now occaisionally I get a suvey on video games. I love those the most because I hope that people will actually listen to me and stop making games that suck. Well today, I took one that prooved a couple of things: 1. General survey sites don't know poop about video games and 2. People REALLY don't know about video games by Nintendo.
I think I've made it pretty clear in my collection and based on the games I'm watching and want, I'm not a fangirl. I'm potentially interested in games for the 360 and PS3. I own every major console and portable by Sony and Nintendo in this current generation. I get systems that have games that interest me (which is the sole reason why I don't also own an XBox).
Having said all of this, I always feel bad for Nintendo getting picked on so much. They're like the little brother who likes to march by the beat of his own drummer, and because of that, get's beaten up. The mainstream media has proven time and time again that they choose to ignore what Nintendo is doing and have a completely false perspective about them.
In the survey I took today, I was asked what genres I like and was given examples of each genre. They picked games that were exclusively made in America (which most of them are crappy games) with the exception of the VERY mainstream franchises. I'm talking Mario, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, kind of mainstream. Looking at the choices I knew that these guys were clueless. The tip of the iceburg hit when I was given the list of systems that I own or plan to own. For starters I don't even think the PSP was listed which was surprising. Second the list of next gen systems made me cringe: The XBox 360, The Playstation 3, and The Nintendo Gamecube 2. Yes you read that right folks. They take so little time to do the darn research that they don't even have the name right. I was appalled.
I plan on complaing to Survey Spot for their lack of reasearch, and I would urge people not to believe the surveys conducted by these types. If these are the kind of questions being asked how accurate can their results be?
On a happy note, I've decided that I needed to play some short old school games to revitalize my love for video games. I just needed a good old boring turn based Japanese RPG to cure my sorrows :)
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