The anticipation is finally over with a crap load of games. If I had an endless supply of money I would probably have preordered everything, but since I'm poor and left many a game on my christmas list, I'll have to wait until December 25 to enjoy many of the games.
DQ 8 makes me very excited. I keep reading the good reviews and it makes me even happier. Dragon Quest has always been an unsung hero in the states and this game has gotten the best reviews I've seen on a DQ game yet. This makes me very hopeful that we may see other DQ games being localized. I'm kind of cheering for the DQ V PS2 remake or if anything can be done to pick up the pieces, the DQ IV PS remake. I know that's obselete but I don't care. I just love DQ!!!!
Wild Arms: Alter Code F. I've been waiting for this game for like a year an a half now. Six months plus the year of delays. I feel like i need to go to EB and just make sure the game is on the shelf, no offense to Agetec. I bet it will be a great localization. This will also hopefully be under the christmas tree.
Legend of Heroes: The poor PSP is riding on GTA for its selling point. It's a spiffy system, and I'm glad it's getting some RPG's. It will never replace my DS (which I absolutely LOVE), but hey I'm a gamer. I play the systems that have games I like on it, and finally the PSP made a showing. Confirm a localization of Katamari, and we're in business. This game I treated myself and preordered.
Next month I will be lined up outside EB's door for FFIV advance. I think this week I'll ask if there's a preorder bonus and if so I will do it. I usually don't go that nuts over a game, but come on! It's FFIV! Look at my icon!!11!111!! If the new rydia sprite looks cool, I may use that one for a while.
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