This is my list of games I want to purchase.
I plan on buying this game. But unlike Battlefield 4 I will not pre-order but will instead wait on reviews and player opinions. Edit 2016-09-15: I will not buy this game until it is on sale for at least half the price. The main reason for this is that the beta, which I have tried for a couple of hours, is way too similar Star Wars Battlefront, which I felt was all too simplistic and closed.
Since I have always liked space-sims (and to use my joystick!), this is a game that I am thinking of buying.
I plan on buying this game when the price has dropped. Unfortunately the game seems pretty repetetive, at least what I have read so far. Edit: 2016-09-15: Since the big player drop and problems with this game, I won't be buying it until it will go on sale.
Seems interesting.
When it will be finished (ever?) I will probably buy it.
Use your keyboard!
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