I chose Chris and I am a survivor: "No creeper too crawly. No monster too monstrous. You can expertly navigate through any situation. Next time, you pick the vacation spot."
I'm sorry I'm not good at English so hope you can forgive me about my mistake in any words I said in my comment. I really have a high hope for this new TR reboot. I think it would be good just like Leona Lewis's Glassheart album. You can see a lot of mordern things in her music just like a lot of new gameplay from gun-play to puzzles and explore the whole area for a secret Tombs which is show in the cinematic scenes (QTA has appear since TR Legend even the cinamtic scenes), awards or documents which is taking our time a lot to find if you don't use "survival instinct". Nice graphic, personally I don't like her hair, nice sound (I don't care about her scream, too.). This is my opinion about this new TR. It would be one of the best TR. The new TR reborn again.
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