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Summer is here

Well it is summer and I am still playing Zelda The Windwaker. No I am not through it yet. I took some time off from it. Been playing Jaws and Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Summer is such a slow time no new games are out which I think is a crime. I am waiting for the next Zelda. The Video Stores near me don't seem to carry many games. Rogers Video sucks at that. Blockbuster Video carries a lot more. Bought Grand Theft Auto Vice City for ten dollars. I would suggest to anyone that they look towards the Movie Rental Stores and theĀ  Video Game Stores. Sister and I bought Jaws and Final Fantasy X-2 while in Thunder Bay on vacation.


Here it is a new year and I am not much further in any of my games. Have not been playing a lot lately. I get into these moods where I play the games for hours on end and then I stop and don't play them for a while. I still like Zelda and cannot wait for the new Zelda Game, also am waiting for Kingdom Hearts. These two games are fun. I am not one for these shoot em up and blood and gore type games. However my sister and I are anxiously waiting for Jaws Unleashed. That should be a fun game where animal goes after man. Well that's all for today.


Zelda and other things

I have really enjoyed playing Zelda Windwaker. I also enjoy playing Ocarina and Link To The Past. Am almost through Link To The Past. The Zelda Series is a great game. I enjoy playing them. I became hooked with the first Zelda when it was brought out to the NES.

The graphics are better now than before but it has the same beauty of it. I just hope Nintendo does not fiddle wth Zelda too much and ruin it. Because they got a good thing going here. ZELDA rocks.



The Legend of Zelda The Windwaker

Well here it is a few months have past since buying Zelda. Started playing it about a month ago. Finally got to The Earth Temple took me long enough and am stuck at that dreaded head statue where Medli has to shine her light on one side and I have to shine light onto the other side. Not easy. I have read the cheats and walkthrough that tells me what to do but it is not helping me still am stuck. Maybe if I am not through that by the time my nephew comes for a visit I'll get him to get me out of it. He helped with The Legend Of Gaia from the SNES.