"Wolverine's cheap! Wolverine's S tier! Wolverine's ruining the game!"
Personally, I think Wolverine's easy, and nothing more. I don't think he's got a patch on the real top tiers of this game, but right now, a lot of people are extremely lazy and for some reason, don't want to actually put in any work in in terms of execution. Why are people acting like they've got arthritis in their hands? Some of them were doing much harder stuff execution-wise back in MVC2. What's going on?
If people stopped being lazy, they'd realise that a lot of the stuff Wolverine can do, other characters can do, like one-shotting the entire cast from start 1, some even without blowing their level 1 X-Factor. But since nobody wants to put in the work yet into these characters for some strange, mystical reason, even though everyone knows they're without a doubt, incredibly strong characters and everyone's hopping on Wolverine's jock, this game won't get anywhere anytime soon and we'll see the same old crap, probably even at Evolution. I can only hope this is some mass "keep-everything-under-cover-and-sandbag-until Evolution" operation. But 95% of the powerful stuff is already out there, but hardly anybody's using it, even the people who discovered it!