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Heading towards a new year.

I hope everyone's had a good Christmas.

I'm taking some time to refine my game yet again, I'm not quite satisfied with my play just yet. Overall, my ground-game's the same, whiff-punishing, baiting whilst shifting guard, staying out of the opponent's attack range, AAing and so on are pretty standard. Online makes things difficult, as always.

Street Fighter 4's become a game of post knock-down set-ups, so I'll need to learn all of them eventually, but it's not something I'd like to rely on, just something to add to my overall gameplan. Viper's the character I've been spending time on the most in training mode right now, but I'm almost done with her.

There's always something I need to work on, I can never really get rid of all my weak points. On one hand, the goal of progress keeps me playing. On the other, I'm just trying to improve for improving's sake, other than that, I don't particularly have a goal or a reason to play. If I get to where I want to be skill-wise, then what happens? Do I quit? Or keep trying to improve lol? We'll see what happens.