There is no solution but what Steam did... give customers what they want... make it easier than piracy and enough of us (yeah, me too) will fork over cash with a smile. Want to lock something down? Ummmm... The Sims 3.
I'm sorry, I realize that I'm in the minority, but the only games I want on a cellphone are simple ones I play when I wait to do something I REALLY want to be doing. I'd rather play a console, read a book, or do almost anything but play a game made for a cellphone.
Unless that cloud of "broadband internet" is hiding the magic elves that prevent all lag from a couple of million people all trying to play the same game on alunch day... this thing a diagram, a dongle, and a high concept.
@JB2B: Send cards that say "thanks for the valentine" on them to the people you suspect might have sent you the card. One of them should respond, and then you just act clever. FF7... whoo yeah, that was a kick in the pants. It's hard to describe how surprising that moment was in its own time. Now it's a cliche, but it was pretty impressive for a PS1 game.
What this again? These articles are the editorial equivalent of passing out with a hash pipe on your mouth and letting your monkeys slam on the keyboard for a while. No offense eh? L.O.L.
The silliness inherent in comparing graphics with a multiplatform game that didn't have outstanding graphics (great game, but hardly a showpiece beyond the art) is silly. All I can say is, I own a gaming pc, a 360, and ps3 and I wouldn't give up any of them. Sorry fanboys/girls, but don't take out your psychotic "issues" on whichever platform you don't have and percieve as "the enemy".
Another one of these? Grow up Gamespot, and stop prodding the kiddies and fanboys. There are better ways to increase hits without selling out crediblity.
nappan's comments