well.... no.
That would kind of end the whole franchise(something I can't see Shigsy doing any time soon).
No amount of wannabe marsupials or uber-fast animals (occasionally with skates...or indeed guns) would be able to fill the unfillable "rotund-plumber" shaped hole in the gaming market.
and if it did happen, just consider the effect...
Bowser, forced to hand out redundancy pay to his legion of Goombas, would be plunged into depression and
boredom, eventually being sectioned for sitting on park benches shouting at stray Bob-ombs.
Luigi, already underrated in the shadow of his (now criminal) brother, would sink out of public knowledge and
have to resort to working at one of the (now useless) power-up mushroom huts selling fire-flowers to joy-riding
Toad may then dedicate his life to creating a memorial museum, only to have his labours destroyed by a clan of
rogue Chain Chomps. The damage would never be fixed as the last of the money from Mario's pharmaceutical and
sporting endeavours would be hastily spent on a parting ceremony for the Princess.
In the general population of The Mushroom Kingdom there would be a significant emotion flatline as it is
realised that threats on the Princess and resultant celebrations when she is saved are both a thing of the past.
In the absence of a ruler, King Boo would infiltrate the late Princess' castle, (he already had some troops...
remember the interior garden in Mario 64?) fighting and endless war against BeanBean Kingdom and a resurrected
In face of such disastrous consequences its barely worth thinking what Mario himself would do, never mind the
countless 2D and 3D worlds that would go unsaved as a result of his absence.
so... in short... I think Peach should be spared.
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