narmi819 / Member

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took a little time off today to make myself one.. been a while since I've edited this page :?

so how does it look?

and in other news, my last blog entry was posted a year ago today!!

i never really write about myself in these entries so i'll start doing so now.. i'm busy packing now since i'm heading off to florida tomorrow morning until the 23rd; pretty excited about that:D i'll begin my vacation in cocoa beach for three days or so then my family and i will head off to orlando as we do every year. my brother will most likely bring along his laptop so i'll still be able to visit gamespot every now and then.

school begins in september and i have yet to begin my ****load of summer assignments.. looks like i'll be pretty busy once i come back. for labor day i may also head off to california for a basketball tourney so I need to make sure i'm finished by then.

ever since I purchased pokemon diamond in may i've been playing like mad.. 260 hours i've now invested into the game :? my interest in the game has worn down quite a bit however, but it was a hell of a ride. I still enjoy competitive battles, so if you want to battle me gimme a PM (my friend code is 3479 9202 3954). i also have PBR if you wnat to battle... its a decent game, but i have no complaints since i got it for free by winning the gamestop tournament in late july. i'm also an active member at the pokemon league union.. check it out if you have an interest in pokemon

so yeah, that's pretty much it for now. i'll finish my packing soon.. once i finish procrastinating.

MY BIRTHDAY IS ON AUGUST 19th!!! can't wait to get my new computer :P

- - -

games i'm looking forward to:

Xbox 360: halo 3 (duh), mass effect, gears of war 2, RE5, soul calibur 4, PGR4, etc etc

[my gamertag is narmi819 - you won't find me on xbox live very often.. well until halo 3 comes around. but i'll still add you to my friends list via]

Wii: mario kart, MP3, SSBB (!!!!!), super mario galaxy, fire emblem, etc (PM me if you want to exchance Wii FCs)

DS: legend of zelda: PH, ninja gaiden, dragon quest IX, FF: CC, FF tactics advance 2, etc.

PSP: :|