naruto1234567a's forum posts
or even perhaps a phantom witch has nothing but a pictture of its ellement no 1 or anything the only way to see the true face of a phantom card is to let the playstation eye read it and an awsome monster will appear an iff anyone needs a site for prook go to
u can even use this link source i think.
im obsessed with eye of judgment aint i lol.:)
ok its vary easy how to tell iff its a common its black the 1 on the card notice how there are different colors if its
gold=ultra rare
and iff u want proof bye a booster pack look on the back it say 5 commons 2 uncommon and 1 rare or ultra rare open it and u will see 5 blacks 2 whites and one silver or gold.
ok its vary easy how to tell iff its a common its black the 1 on the card notice how there are different colors if its
gold=ultra rare
and iff u want proof bye a booster pack look on the back it say 5 commons 2 uncommon and 1 rare or ultra rare open it and u will see 5 blacks 2 whites and one silver or gold.
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