While the latest Spider-Man film was the only Tom Holland one I liked, (and I really did like it) ultimately it was the dynamic between Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. that made the MCU for me. Without them I don't know how the hell they're going to start making good films again.
@ghostspartan: As you move towards the centre of the ideology spectrum, there's actually an enormous amount of debate and discussion in forums and on YouTube and on campuses. My point was really, that when you start veering way off centre (to the left or the right), you'll find discussion gets rarer and harder. My point is that, the fact that there's no debate practically anywhere on these topics, the fact that it's so rare, so difficult, so actively discouraged, despite it being so ubiquitous now, is itself the evidence that these view points are extremeist.
I'm saying don't mistake ubiquity for moderation or centrism. Forcing people's mouths closed is the hallmark of extremism. I'm saying extreme is becoming the new normal, and that's dangerous.
@jsatch87: No, that's a common mistake in English. If they were after the noun, they could optionally be an adverb + verb, (i.e. “The hate was thinly veiled.”) or a compound adjective. (i.e. “The hate was thinly-veiled”).
But when they're positioned before the noun, they're automatically a compound adjective. And compound adjectives are hyphenated.
@m4a5: These extreme leftist stances are almost never voiced in circumstances where anyone can actually argue back. Oh they're very public, but good luck trying to get a face-to-face or even a delayed back-and-forth engagement with any of the people who write these lies for a living. GameSpot is just the latest in a long line of publications going out of their way to forcibly shut the mouths of their readers, all the while swearing blind that they're nothing but an innocent little gaming site. Perhaps hoping if they lie enough one day they'll believe it.
There's only a single debate I've ever witnessed with extremist leftist stances on one side of it, and that was a stage debate with Jordan Peterson, Stephen Fry, Michael Eric Dyson, Michelle Goldberg, on the topic of political correctness. Still on YouTube. Essentially whether you should be allowed to force people legally into your own ideas of respect and politeness, and from the half-way point to the end, it was a running joke that the pro-political-correctness team absolutely refused to say anything regarding political correctness at all. The closest they ever got was a few sob stories about a gay friend who had a beer bottle thrown at them one time. The left-leaning audience was laughing at them. And that's the only time I've ever seen these ideas brought before a makeshift jury for some real-time scrutiny.
These fake journalists are endlessly, relentlessly alluding to these evil comments JKR definitely said, but never once will they actually quote them. Perhaps because the language is that of Mordor, which they will not utter here. Or maybe because they know a direct quote will expose them for what they are.
The suffix “...phobic”, of the noun “phobia”, from the Greek, meaning fear or hatred of. I challenge anyone to find me a single line of JKR's, from any time, where you can see a clear hate or fear of transgender people. One single line. The aboslute worst she's ever said. Let's see it. I'm not holding my breath.
@jsatch87: 1. Well you really shook things up on the “thinly-veiled hate” front. 2. Stop caring so much about comments on a video game site and go care about real things. 3. No-one is scared of you.
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