After reading the article I'm not seeing the problem. This is just a bunch of examples of different kinds of remakes/remasters, but nowhere in the article is the title justified.
Dead Space(2023) is a remake not a remaster because it doesn't use the original's assets. It also changes a few things like how you get around the ship, and how Isaac can talk now, as well as changing some story beats. No problem there.
Resident Evil 2 (2019) is also a remake because it doesn't use the original's assets. It also changes a few things like where the camera is positioned, dialogue, and a few story beats.
They're both still clearly the same characters, acting out the same story, in the same universe. So who exactly “can't decide what a remake is” ?
@nilsdoen: It's not as strange as the type of discussion where you come up to people out of nowhere and talk to them like they're being hysterical just because their comments are longer than you think they should be. And yes I've already mentioned I like Jordan Peterson's work several times here on GameSpot. Why are you pretending you figured that out by yourself?
@nilsdoen: You wrote it because you feel compelled to immediately run over and mock or gaslight anyone who does anything differently because it helps you feel better about yourself. Think high school bully stereotype. It's the hallmark of insecure people, and the reason you're bringing up being lonely out of nowhere. When you feel like growing up a bit feel free to come talk.
Still absolutely refusing to put the word “Fanatical” in the title of these articles, because Fanatical is paying you to make sure your readers don't know it's them until they click. Low and dirty.
“I think people always have a positive or negative response to something they're not used to seeing, and that's completely okay because that’s the way we incite change.”
I'm not even sure what this means. A positive or negative response is how you incite change? Well heck, I have a positive or negative response to just about everything. Unless she meant, positive responses incite change, such that the thing happens more, and negative responses incite change, such that the thing happens less? In which case we def ain't gettin no Forspoken sequel any time soon amirite? :D To quote a strong black female superhero orphan: And that's completely okay. If I had to guess, I'd just say she didn't have anything in mind when she started talking. The entire woke movement beautifully encapsulated in a single sentence. Warm, fluffy, and vaguely inspirational-sounding, just don't think about it too long or the meaning evaporates. Everyone thought Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider was great, and that was six years ago. You can't shock or outrage gamers with a black female protagonist in 2023. In fact it's kinda hard to think of any time when gamers in general were particularly hostile to black or female leads.
Now look at the response to the upcoming Gothic remake. A white male protagonist, at whom everyone is shouting, “OOOHHH MY GODDDD, JUST SHUT THE F*** UP!!!!” “Contrary to the Whedonesque marketing materials and the memes spread online, Frey's characterization is surprisingly rough and accurate to her nature.” *Ahem*. Contrary also/even to the GameSpot review, in which the reviewer plainly stated, “I don't care about any of these characters.” If GameSpot can't dig deep and find something to like about a black female protagonist, I think it's a bit late to try and start salvaging the game's image. The problem with Forspoken was that they set out from the start to make a game about a strong, young, black, female, orphan, and show the world how cool she is, and awesome, and full of character, and tough and smart and down-to-earth and badass and funny and and and.... ... and they forgot to make a game.
This is often what happens when you try to propagandise something that's supposed to be art. When you try to use art to push a message. Even if that message is something fairly innocuous, like, “black women are just as good as white men”. Good art is exploratory in a way, and propaganda is completely antithetical to that idea. It's poison to the art, and when the spirit of the art is dead, the devs will feel it, the publisher will feel it, and the players will feel it. Captain Marvel was another perfect example. Everyone could see all the flashy effects but we all knew the film was dead inside.
naryanrobinson's comments