They've already made it clear that the fans are no more than Wi-Fi-connected wallets. To get back the trust lost, they're going to have to really pull out something special here. But we all know, it's simply not in their nature.
It'll be the lowest work possible with the highest price possible, with the most control over other people's work possible.
Even if that isn't the original intent, upper-management will slowly back slide to that, small decision by small decision until it's the same shameful abomination as the last offering.
Because they simply can't help themselves. I almost feel bad for them. It's like asking your dogs not to eat the cooked steak on the coffee table while you're at work. At the end of the day you have to remember that you're talking to animals.
@Barighm: I'm never the first one to reply to a specific person. If people are going to come up to me and start s*** as Chris seems to not be able to get enough of, they better make sure they've got better material than that, and they better make sure they aren't a rampant hypocrit, or they're going to get humiliated.
Chris' main (and extremely rudely-made) main point was that RP doesn't NEED my comment. And yet I never even came close to saying he did, did I? No, I didn't. And no, you can't provide a single example of me misunderstanding anything, can you? No, you can't. I'm a professional English teacher and proof-reader. You're just coming up to me and starting s*** that you can't back up at all. You two are just made for each other. So since you've got nothing to add to this little chat but your own feces, why don't you just jog on as well?
naryanrobinson's comments