@chriss_m: Says the very same guy who rushes in for damage control for JK Rowling when anyone discusses what she's said or done. “SHE WAS JOKING!! IT WAS JUST A JOKE!!!1!” Whoops. Forgot about that, didn't we? Cringe.
Not everyone is running around fantacising about being on the PR team. Not everyone can only exist within the context of this or that celebrity fan club. If I say the sun will rise tomorrow, that doesn't mean it needs my help to do so. A bit lacking in the old reading comprehension there, aren't we Chris?
He doesn't “need” my comment just like no-one needs your little tantrum. Go take a nap, kid.
Glad they're sticking with it. It hasn't sold amazingly, but there's a decent game in there somewhere under all the bugs and I think it's definitely worth unearthing.
[obligatory angry toxic jealous comment about how [insert celebrity] shouldn't be allowed to say anything I don't like and just shut up and entertain me because they make more money than me and that somehow gives me the right to lord over them and act like I know anything about making movies or training to be a movie star when I actually don't know s*** and even though The Batman was a great movie that wasn't affected in the least by how much or little time RP spent in the gym he should still train until he's sweating blood so I can feel better about my sad life by making snarky comments on gaming website forums about people much more successful and well-mannered and beloved than I'll ever be.]
@lionheartssj1: It has barely improved at all since it first came out. This package is a garbage fire, and I don't just mean relative to Rockstar's mountains of gold.
Search YouTube for “The GTA Trilogy - The Definitive Edition: One Year Later” to get a comprehensive breakdown of the state of the games, both how they are, and how they're likely to remain forever.
Rockstar just wants the money, and have no interest in working for it. No one should buy it, and I don't just mean to teach them a lesson, I mean even if you've no principles whatsoever, it's not in your best interest.
naryanrobinson's comments