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Console Wars: Battle for a X360

Right now, in terms of console gaming, I am at a dead end. A few months back I decided to wait until 2007 started to get me a XBOX360. Then the first roadblock came along, I lost my job. Just a week into January I hit a detour, I was accepted into Central Michigan University. I decided it was neccessary to save money where I can because eventually I will have to move from California to Michigan and moving is expensive. While that was some of the best news I have herd, I willingly decided that buying a new console was not the best idea. That $400-500 would better serve me for gas and other expenses. Just 2 weeks after that I came across a hole in the road, car trouble. A week of hell went by and so did $1500. While all of this was happening the XBOX was being withdrawn from the console market. During November both the PS3 and Nintendo Wii were released, marking the end of the XBOX, PS2, Gamecube era. As did my XBOX. The last title, and really the only last game I wanted to get, for my XBOX was MK: Armageddon. After playing that for a month I was done with the game and the console. Since I have not yet get a 360 I have had no reason to put the XBOX in the closet. Since the beginning of December, my XBOX has done nothing more than collect dust. With no reason to play my XBOX, and I'm unwillingly unable to get a 360 I'm "stuck" in this very long transition from XBOX to X360. When's the right time to get the new console, I'm looking at no earlier than August.