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Very Bad News

Bad News for you

The bad news is, I'm BACK!!!

Y'all are F-cked now :twisted:

I will blog, post and comment once more.

Sorry for the bad news

Also, since I'm back I figured that I'd steal something. This is a quiz for Starbucks Addict's blog

1.What does your Name MEAN? It is broken down. Nash because that is who I look like (Steve Nash). 13 because that is my basketball number. Heat because that was my team name
2. Where was your avatar pic taken??  Just the UGA logo
3. What is your nickname? Nash
4. Your current relationship status? Single

6. What is your current mood? Happy

7. what do you love most: basketball

8. What makes you happy ? basketball
9. Are you musically challenged? singing wise , yes. However, I play drums. I get to beat stuff :P
10. If you could go back in time, would you change something? I don't know, I've seen all the back to the Future Movies and that confuses me :P
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day what would you be? A dog because they are awesome

12. Ever have a near death experience? No, but I jumped off a 4-wheeler while I was in the air

13.Something you do a lot: basketball
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now? Over My Head
15. Who did you copy and paste this from? Starbucks Addict

16. Name someone with the same b-day as you?  My friend
17. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? Unforunately, yes.

18. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex? I think you know :D
19. What do you usually order from Starbucks?  Mocha Latta
20. What's your favorite color? Red

21. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? Hell Yeah
23. Do you speak any other language? No, barely speak English :P

24. What's your favorite smell? New car