...I'm the Ring King, yai!
Actually I've been stuck on level 13 long before that September post, even back when I was a videogame maniac. Today I still like videogames, even though I cannot be called a "video game maniac" anymore.
So, about the year that is about to come: well... everybody has expectations, right? Personally, I was never the kind of person who waits for a certain day to go on with something, but after all I've been through this year, there are a couple of things I want to list and constantly check for the next year. I can't say I'll be always coming back, checking if I have done those things or not, since I haven't been in a mood to keep updating a blog. Besides, I have to finish a game before writing a review, like I always did!
So here's my list of things to do next year:
1. Practice more exercises.
2. Study more seriously.
3. Play more video game. I want to write at least 12 reviews next year. And I want to do a review for at least one game per console.
4. Don't get that closer to anyone. People know how to be cruel and even I have feelings.
5. Keep my room organized.
6. Work harder, earn more money.
7. Read more books. My mind has been empty lately. How about at least a book per month?
8. Use less internet. I like spending the entire time on the internet, but lately I feel like it has been just a waste of time.
9. Watch more anime, perhaps? How does "a whole series per month" sounds? I also want to start watching things like C.S.I. and Cold Case. And nah, I don't like Dr. House.
10. Become a serious person (...yeah right.).
11. Improve my writing skills. I've been writing like a six years old lately.
More to come. I'll try to keep this updated.