So, I heard this afternoon, while at the work, that Circuit City stores are closing. It may seem idiotic and stupid, but I feel REALLY sad about that. Not because I'm thinking of the people who'll lose their jobs (oh, actually I DO think about them and feel even more sad, because I had a great treatment whenever I went there to buy my things), but also because... I don't know, I feel attached to that place in some sort of way. That was the place where I bought my PSP and... I guess most of the people know that, since I don't have a girlfriend, boyfriend or whatsoever, that's why I get emotionally attached to stupid material things such as videogames. But Circuit City reminds me not only my PSP, but my first trip on my own.
The funny part is that only by seeing this happening I start to see how bad the crisis is.
C'mon, Obama... bring us Circuit City back!!