It's been a long time since I shown my face here, huh? Not that anyone cares anyway.
Truth is that I didn't have anything interesting to tell. Last time I wrote here was when I was still studying... and had time to play AND update this blog. After that, I dedicated myself to college and at getting a nice job. I did it, thank godness, but after that I simply didn't have time to play video games anymore.
A few months ago I bought a PSP and the only game I played from the beggining 'til the end was Locoroco. For all the rest of the time, I've been dedicating myself fully to my new job. I really love it, but I honestly do not have time to play games anymore. I'm still trying to understand why the hell I bought a PSP.
I never had a chance to finish Zelda: Twilight Princess. For a little while I was seriously thinking about buying a Nintendo Wii, but what would be the use of buying it if Idon't have time to play anything at all, not even the portable consoles I bought?
Another thing that I took a few while to admit: maybe I just don't like video games as I liked before. I simply don't have time nor patience anymore. I bought Final Fantasy IV for DS almost a month ago and only now I played it... for less then 15 minutes!
I don't know about you, but whenever I choose to play something, I like to dedicate all my time and energy to finish the game nice and neat. I don't like to "multithread" my tasks. So much that I'm still my good old Playstation 2. I feel like I still didn't take the best of it. When I think about it, it isn't just about the games. I use this "phylosophy" in pretty much everything I do. I hate to be defeated in anything. I like to be good in what I do (even though my awful English skills may make it look like I don't).
I don't plan to buy another console so soon. There are still a couple of games I want to finish in PS2, like Grandia 3, Final Fantasy XII and... I don't know, perhaps Soul Calibur 3, even though if frustrates me to the last single nail. Also, I'm in the beggining of Phoenix Wright 2's last case. I just started Final Fantasy IV and I still want to play a lot of Nintendo DS games.
There is too much to do. There is too little time available. But, at least for now, I want to dedicate myself to my job. Something tells me that this is something for what I will never regret,
So, you won't see me here very often, but I'll make sure to show up every once in a while. If there is someone reading my blog right now, thank you for spending so much time reading my babbling!