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Sisters will always be sisters... *contains spoilers for Suikoden series*

If there's one thing I really like in the Suikoden series is the strong family bounds. When I was watching Suikoden 2's good ending, I started to think of how much Nanami trully cared about her younger brother. Even though she feared losing her brother during the entire game and may seem like a pain during the entire game, she is almost like a mother for Riou. Many people hated her because there are better characters to put in your party and she might not be the best choice for all the battles, but... I don't know, even still I really like her. Her character itself was well-developed and... well, I think she acts like what every person who have lost her family would do.

There's one part that is very hard to forget: there is one part of the game in which you can't refuse her coming wiht you. If you do so, she'll join your party anyway, but later she says: "Sorry I came with you. I know I may be pretty annoying sometimes, but I was really worried about you" (not with these words). 

And it is not only Nanami: Lymsleia from Suikoden V is also a hell of a sister. She may sound annoying at times, just like Nanami, but she also cares very much about her brother (even before the death of Arshtat and Ferid, when Freayjadour was her only family left). Yes, somehow both Nanami and Lym were some sort of "princess in danger" , but they are a lot more useful. Nanami fights pretty well and Lym... well, she can't fight, but you can say she is quite a smart brat. And that's the difference betweem the Final Fantasy series and the Suikoden series. In the Final Fantasy series, the princess will always be stupid, worthless, useless and waiting to be saved. Good cliche, but I'm pretty much sick of always having to do anything by myself, maybe that's why I can't stand playing FFIX (dear princess Garnet, please USE YOUR BRAIN once in a while). Besides, in the Final Fantasy series, you are always one step behind your enemy. In the Suikoden series, your strategist always tries (hard) to keep you in the same level as your enemy... or even better (like in Suikoden V, where you practically have the advantage over the enemy during the entire game - except for the part where everything seems to start falling apart).

Seriously, man. The only "princess" from the Final Fantasy VIII I liked a little more was Rinoa. Yeah, she only get your team in trouble majority of the times, but... I dunno, at least she... she... ehrm... is hot?! (...)

Other thing I really like about Suikoden is that attention is given to each star you recruit. Ok, their story may not be complete, but you'll always have a favorite one, which you can choose to put in your party. In the Final Fantasy series you'll always have to put someone you don't like because... well, the story tells you to do so. I'm not saying Suikoden doesn't have these parts, but dependending on the one you're playing, you can put the star on your convoy and keep using your favorite ones. 

I really can't wait to play the other Suikodens... I'm not the biggest fan of tactical games, but I'm still willing to play Suikoden Tactics. When I bought the game, I thought the beggining was pretty annoying (I don't really like the Suikoden 4 characters - nor the tactical battle style), but there's not much I can say since I think I didn't get to the best part.

By the way... I plan to delay a little playing Final Fantasy XII. I thought it was one of the worst games I've ever played. Maybe I should play it more calmly rather than dashing like I use to do. I think I need to learn to enjoy better the games I have.