There's something that has been bothering me for these last two hours: I was viewing a few Suikoden fotologs and notest that there's a girl who always posts Suikoden rare stuff. Her blog is pretty nice, you can notest that she chooses her posts very well even though she sometimes doesn't say a word about the post. Today she posted something from Suikoden 1 and said she found some new pictures she's like to share. At the same time, she asked if anyone else felt interested by the Suikoden series. At the comments, someone with some sort of sick intentions said something like "Why would someone ever feel interested by a 'stone age' game? Don't you ever ask yourself why no one ever post comments here?". Maybe the owner of the fotolog didn't mind reading this, but as a good fan of the Suikoden series, I felt kinda offended. "Stone age", you say? What about games from the Final Fantasy series? And the Mario series? Sonic? Tetris?
Man...I really can't understand why people get so cocky to say ill things 'bout series that are not as popular as Final Fantasy. I am a fan of the Final Fantasy series myself, but I still get interested by games that were made before the year of 2000. Maybe if you compare the graphics from the old games with the ones from the new ones, then yeah, maybe they really are old-fashioned and uninteresting, but for a hardcore gamer, any game can be good as long as it has SOMETHING ELSE.
Now... to say that Suikoden series are from the "stone age"... I consider this depreciative. Suikoden 1 is more or less from the same period of time as Final Fantasy VI, just like Suikoden 2 was made in the same year of Final Fantasy VII... and there still are people who play both games. Saying Suikoden is from the "stone age" is the same as saying that Final Fantasy is from a "stone age" and no one cares 'bout it. That's nothing more than a lie!!!
I wonder why the heck did I get so upset by reading that comment... I guess I'm too stressed.
Man... I need some vacations...