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Latest Video Blog: XIII, The Devil's Carnival and its soundtrack.

Hola, GS Homeslices,

I hope everyone's week is going smoothly. Mine is just fine. Looking forward to this three day weekend coming up here in the States.

I uploaded another video blog on Youtube last night. In this video, I review the PC game "XIII" by Ubisoft, the movie "The Devil's Carnival" and its soundtrack. I threw in a link to gameplay footage of XIII recorded as I play through the first stage and intro via FRAPS. I also provide a link to the website where you can purchase the DVD or Blu-Ray disc of The Devil's Carnival, which comes packaged with the entire soundtrack.

I've decided that all my future video blogs will contain a review of: a game, a movie and music. I'm gonna make that triple treat of entertainment the standard from here on out. In the future, I may cover TV series or books. But games, movies and music will be the default subject matter.

On another note: It appears as though many a retro gamer is getting their wish tomorrow. From the looks of GOG's homepage, we may see System Shock and/or System Shock 2 on GOG! The community forums on GOG are already flooding with user speculation. If this is true, GOG will be getting some funds from me next pay day. I'll gladly drop 10 bones for either or 20 bones for both.

Well, I gotta bounce. Statistics homework.

Take Care and Enjoy the Video Blog

-nate1222/hare1222 on Steam/hare122275 on Youtube