Well, what can I say.
I have a cousin that told me that I could finally download Resident Evil from the play station store to PSP. Of course I was like Get the $%^&! out of here! I immediately headed there this morning. I see a wonderful little software tool called Media Go. I have to have it. I download it and then commence to hook up my PSP. Of course I need an update to connect it properly, and my PSP is for lack of a better term..... DEAD!
No doubt from falling asleep while searching the Desert for a big Crab like creature with an intersting name Monster Hunter the new one which I so hastly grabed two copies one for me, and one for the Mrs. No doubt in our ripe young 30's we find time to romance, raise kids, party, outside and in and play games...Life is great! After a long day of BBQ Fireworks done for the city which could be seen from my corner or corner window perfectly complete with window rattling and gusts of wind from the Beautiful salute to our brothers and sisters continuing the fight for freedom and liberty.....you get the point I was tired and in bed playing MH...so, back to recharging Lt. Buck-E.
So, I started to charge the error recieving unit and began to search old psone titles through the Playstation network on my PC using Media Go. Low and behold there she was. The title for which I still have the original disk and finished and finished and loved and cherished...You know come to think of it, I actually lost a woman over this game..No kidding..:(..anyways the game was better:) INFINATELY BETTER!
Which brings me to my point. Even though I was well.. grown when this game came out, It marked a new time for me (my daughter was being conceived and born etc, etc) I could acheive whatever I was putting my mind to.. And this wonderful adventure came along. I can not tell you how many ways I have this game. An sitting here when I began this blog, with percentage bar at 24, I know I will be able to play my game soon because I just had to click download complete for 99% read the bar when I started this very long run on sentence.
No other game has the depth of this all other FF games and clones fall short of this one right here and finally, finally.....I can go out into the life of Cloud again, all that materia, and those beautiful summonings right on my psp..enuff said gotta go play...
VISIT THE PLAYSTATION STORE! you might float down memory lane and write a lame blog!