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nathanbere Blog

A state of calm

Ok, so the past month has been fairly hectic. As usual I have been very busy in the lab at uni. Whilst I have a boss who pushes very hard, and expects a lot to be done I also push myself very hard. I mean, at the end of the day it is my PhD, and the results I produce will determine how many papers I get published. The harder I work the more I will learn, and so the better job prospects I will have once I finish.

Having said that... this last week has seen me do very little actual work. I have demonstrated in undergraduate labs for 1 and a half days, the first of five weeks. I really enjoyed this, although it was absolutely exhausting! And the other days in the lab have just proved – for a change – to be quite uneventful!

On the TV side of things, the main shows I have watched are the big American dramas, but for UK TV Police Interceptors have recently resumed their current season. Probably quite perverse of me, but I love watching these type of traffic police shows, with the chases, crashes and just plain idiotic driving of a lot of people!

The Big Bang Theory: This show continues to make me laugh. The fact that it only lasts for 20 minutes always makes me want more, which can only be good.
Lost: This is all starting to be pieced together again, and we can now see the survivors all being brought back together in the "new timeline".
Dollhouse: After 4 episodes I can safely say I am hooked. Whilst it's not yet as good as Firefly (or Buffy/Angel) it has the potential to be in the same league. I seriously hope that it doesn't get axed, and that Fox give it a significant period of time to develop the characters and establish itself as an archetypal Whedon show.
24: This week I watched the recent double episode (6:00pm-8:00pm). I don't really know where to start... I'm loving this season. Each episode is keeping me glued to the TV. After the last episode I didn't think they would be able to revive the season after what could have been the end. I couldn't have been more wrong!!!

At least at the moment I don't have One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl or House to watch, as otherwise I would be struggling for the time to fit them all in! Having said that I am urging the hiatus to finish, and for them to start again.

Also, this week marked the delivery of The Complete boxset of The O.C. that is the blue book. I can't wait to re-watch the entire show, although this may have to wait quite a while.

As some of you may have noticed, I have changed my profile icon. I thought it was time for a change. My new choice stemmed from my love of Firefly the show, the fact that it is an awesome logo, and I have realised that rather than running around like a headless chicken a calmer and more serene approach would probably save me from a mental breakdown!

Level 15..... or maybe not!!!

A long long time ago... I made my last blog.

A lot has happened since then. I've graduated from university, and, rather than entering the real world of work (which I was looking forward to) I decided to stay at Bath and start a PhD. This rather limits my time, as I normally find myself working 10 hour days. But it is all in a good cause (At the end of it I get to call myself a doctor!!!)

On I am now the editor of 5 shows. A few of them need updating regularly, but most of them need very little new information adding (except for the holes where I was unable to find any details). I am hoping to gain a couple of more editorships over the next week or two.


On TV I have been watching the new series of Lost, which I'm really enjoying. I know a lot of people who don't like the mystery and questions thrown at you in it, but I find that it always keeps me thinking, and you never really know what is (or what even could) happen next.

I enjoyed the first episode of Dollhouse. I have always enjoyed Joss Whedon's shows, and this looks like no exception.

Probably one of my favourite shows at the moment is The Big Bang Theory. I enjoy it on many levels, but because of my scientific background I can in many ways empathize with the scientist in them.

As for, I'm not sure I could be any closer to level 15 if I tryed!

Level 15... or maybe not!

My TV Life

Well.... Its been a long long time since I last made any contributions to Its been too long really. I've been in my final year at uni, and the work load has just piled up. I'm currently revising before my exams (which are all this week, and next), hence why I am procrastinating by doing anything and everything I can to avoid work. Once they have all finished, I hope to be able to spend much more time devoted to watching TV, and the internet :D (with maybe a bit of enjoying the sunshine).

I have recently been watching One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, and The Big Bang Theory, and love all of them. Especially BBT! Whilst it is a brilliant comedy by itself, the fact that I am a scientist myself can only add to the enjoyment of it. Even the theme tune (by Barenaked Ladies) is awesome!

I have also been watching Gordon Ramsey and Kitchen Nightmares (having seen a lot of the original British ones over the years I moved to the USA version), and I love it. His no nonsense style really hits home, and the fact that he is able to do such a good job, in such a short space of time. One thing I will say, is that the USA version does seem to be more 'staged' than its English counterpart. For a start there is the re-vamps done courtesy of the network, and the way the staff act/are treated. Although it is still immensely enjoyable to watch.

I aim to also watch the new series of Gladiators over here in the UK. I loved the old version, and only hope that this lives up to the hype.

On that note I will leave - only to return (hopefully) unscathed from my exam torture in a week or two.


I started watching the third series of Lost awhile ago now, but stopped as I had too much to do. Wow!!!  Was I missing out.  I have just started again, and after a monster marathon on Sunday I am well and truly hooked.  I'm still only halfway though what's been aired, and I aim to watch the rest as soon as I can as  I just *NEED* to know!  So many questions, so little answers.  What is that black cloud/smoke thing?  What is going to happen to Jack, Kate and Sawyer?  More questions about The Others, The Dharma Initiative?  And so many more as well.

When Lost was first aired, and being introduced I thought it would be a one series hit - plane crashed, survival, and then rescue.  I never imagined that the writers would have such ingenuity and be able to keep the show going, without any sign of devaluing the show.  In fact, it just keeps getting better.

It is for this reason that I am more open to Drive than might be expected.  A race for $32 million.  And not everyone in it wants to be there.  What happens when someone wins?  Will anyone win?  Again, from the outset this looks like a one series show.  The race, and someone wins.  End of.  However, if the writers introduce character twists and connections, perhaps a hunt for the organisers of the race, or possibly stretch the race out over several seasons I can see it going a long way.  It just depends on the skill of the writers in transmitting a sense of closeness to the characters, an empathy for them.  If the viewers can feel as if they know the characters personally then it could be a big hit.  It also stars Nathan Fillion, so that's a good start!


Have you ever wondered where time goes?  Many shows (mainly sci-fi) deal with time travel of one sort or another, but, in general life where does it go?!  I am constantly running out of time, I have things to do, deadlines to meet, and any free time that I might have seems to go past twice as fast as when I'm working.

What I want to know is - who keeps stealing my time?!!!!  My level has hardly moved - not surprising considering I haven't really done anything since yesterday.  I am still waiting for my submissions to be accepted.  Hopefully when they are that will give me a boost.  I'm just glad its the weekend, so I can sit back and relax (a bit).

I aim to add more stuff over the weekend, and to also have a proper read around the forums, and hopefully make a few posts here and there.

Level Up!

Up a level already!!!  Go me!  Not a bad start gaining 121% after one day.  Just have to hope I can keep this up!


Its cold.  I have just woken up, and, although there is no snow, its very cold.  And I have to cycle to work.  I'm going to freeze.  And its not even a new day in America, so I'm still on Level 1 with no new points.

My First Blog Post!

Well, my fantastic girlfriend has finally managed to get me onto!!! After several attempts at trying. I'll try to keep regularly posting blogs and contributing - but I'm very busy so I might be a rare occurance.

Also - My profile is a bit misleading when it says a Member since Sep 25, 2005 - as I have really only just joined (March 19, 2007)!!! This is because I have been a member on Gamespot since then (although not that I have done anything there except recieve emails).