Ok, so the past month has been fairly hectic. As usual I have been very busy in the lab at uni. Whilst I have a boss who pushes very hard, and expects a lot to be done I also push myself very hard. I mean, at the end of the day it is my PhD, and the results I produce will determine how many papers I get published. The harder I work the more I will learn, and so the better job prospects I will have once I finish.
Having said that... this last week has seen me do very little actual work. I have demonstrated in undergraduate labs for 1 and a half days, the first of five weeks. I really enjoyed this, although it was absolutely exhausting! And the other days in the lab have just proved – for a change – to be quite uneventful!
On the TV side of things, the main shows I have watched are the big American dramas, but for UK TV Police Interceptors have recently resumed their current season. Probably quite perverse of me, but I love watching these type of traffic police shows, with the chases, crashes and just plain idiotic driving of a lot of people!
The Big Bang Theory: This show continues to make me laugh. The fact that it only lasts for 20 minutes always makes me want more, which can only be good.
Lost: This is all starting to be pieced together again, and we can now see the survivors all being brought back together in the "new timeline".
Dollhouse: After 4 episodes I can safely say I am hooked. Whilst it's not yet as good as Firefly (or Buffy/Angel) it has the potential to be in the same league. I seriously hope that it doesn't get axed, and that Fox give it a significant period of time to develop the characters and establish itself as an archetypal Whedon show.
24: This week I watched the recent double episode (6:00pm-8:00pm). I don't really know where to start... I'm loving this season. Each episode is keeping me glued to the TV. After the last episode I didn't think they would be able to revive the season after what could have been the end. I couldn't have been more wrong!!!
At least at the moment I don't have One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl or House to watch, as otherwise I would be struggling for the time to fit them all in! Having said that I am urging the hiatus to finish, and for them to start again.
Also, this week marked the delivery of The Complete boxset of The O.C. that is the blue book. I can't wait to re-watch the entire show, although this may have to wait quite a while.
As some of you may have noticed, I have changed my profile icon. I thought it was time for a change. My new choice stemmed from my love of Firefly the show, the fact that it is an awesome logo, and I have realised that rather than running around like a headless chicken a calmer and more serene approach would probably save me from a mental breakdown!
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