Alrighty! So, I'm new to the MOBA genre. I expressed some interest and a friend recommended I start with LoL since it's a little more user-friendly, so I did. Much as I'm enjoying it, I seldom stick with one game exclusively, I like variety so I don't burnout, so I'm looking at DoTA/DoTA 2 now. I have some questions first, though, and it would be great if someone could clue me in:
1 - Is there any form of progression? I sort of like that LoL lets me gain points to unlock things, but the reason I like it is none of those things are particularly essential. I don't like feeling like I'm forced to grind for points in order to be competitive, is that something I'd have to worry about with Dota1/2?
2 - Are there significant gameplay differences between DoTA 1 and 2, or can I just play 1 for a while to prepare for 2?
3 - WTF is "deny"? I've tried googling but everything I've found on the subject either devolves into people raging at each other, or is explained in a way that's not particularly noobie friendly.
4 - Finally, the community. I've heard some pretty terrible things about the DoTA community that's putting me off from trying. It's not just the trolls, I can ignore the ragers and whiners and personally I'm more likely to giggle at the name-calling than be offended by it. What I -do- worry about however, is that supposedly DoTA has a higher learning curve, and if no one is ever nice enough to suggest insight or take me aside and say, "Hey, you're doing this wrong, try this instead," how will I learn? So yeah, what's up with that? Any newbie zones/groups/whatevers that I can be pointed at?
Thanks, guys!
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