Have you ever thought that something was actually going to work out for once? That there was no way anything could stop it? Doesn't it suck when something destroys that belief, the one belief that kept you happy, the one belief that made you think life was worth living?
Right now I just don't know what to do. I really thought this time I had something good. I thought I had something that wasn't based on someone using me and I did. I had the one thing I wanted. Sadly life isn't fair. Fate, God, whatever you think decides what happens in life must've decided that I didn't deserve to be happy. Must've decided that I should be left here, alone for eternity.
I guess that's all. I just kinda felt like getting that out and with few people to turn to I used this as a medium. I realize that most people that see this will simply get creeped out and leave but that's okay. I just needed to get this out. To anyone who I have responsibilites on GS to I will try to at least meet in part those responsibilities but I will make no promises, I feel as if I may never make a promise again, that can only lead to disappointment.
Till next time,
Tom (Natiko)