I enjoy playing The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario and Mario Kart
I enjoy playing Pokemon and Professor Layton
I enjoy playing Halo and Fable and Gears of War
I enjoy playing Uncharted and Rachet and Clank and LittleBigPlanet.
What do all these games have in common?
They're all exclusives.
This week the Xbox One was announced so I guess we're about ready for generation 8 to take it's tee shot. As I expected the comments section of anything related to the launch of the console quickly degenerated into something that Gamespot UK is going to have a shit load of fun with in Feedbacula this week. I often wonder however, why Gamers get themselves into such a mess when it comes to new consoles. The biggest argument I normally see is that it's down to experience. Console A outputs better than B on paper or B offers a richer experience than A or hell I don't know I just like the colour of that one.
It's ironic really. For anyone to claim that they only get one because its the better experience, when in fact you are limiting that experience by not expanding your views. It's just plain silly. I'm not saying that you have to buy them all at launch no one could afford that. Pick one and a little while down the line when the prices have dropped pick another.
I also don't agree with Gamespot encouraging the rivalry between the two with this stupid twitter thing. It is not your place to do so leave that to the Big 3 so you can get on and concentrate on what really matters.
The Games.
The games I listed above are all great games and such is the way they can only be played on one of consoles. It is the Games not the Consoles that provide the true experience which you all claim to value so much. At the end of the day the Console is just a box.
Microsoft will inevitably go too far they always do,
Sony will inevitably cock something up they always do,
Nintendo will inevitably put out an under powered console they always do.
But don't let that or anything else detract from your gaming experience.
I won't.