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natty-the-devil Blog

the theaters in quebec sukes!!!

Hi,i live in Quebec and,well im a bilinguile and, in quebec theres no movie in ENGLISH!!!And i hate movies in french!!!So me and my bro wants to rite a letter to the bosse of the movie theater!And all the good movies i want to see,i have to wait till it comes out on dvd!!!So im really really really mad!!!!So that really suckes!!!SO BY!


Did you guys know that the daulphin is the most intellegent animal in the world!Its also my favorite animal!Did you guys know that the biggest dolphin is the killer wale?Theres a myth that one time in china a sacred daulphin saved a quenn or a princesse?And there are alote of daulphins in the guinesse world recorde books.I love daulphins!!!BY

my favorite cars

my favorite car is the AUDI R8 its really nice and expencive!!!I also like the chevrolet camaro!!!But the moste expensive car in the world is the BUGATTI VEYRON its worth like 10000000$its really really expensive, and you dont see that every day!!!But me i really like cars.and in 4x4 i like the HUMMER H3 and the JEEP HUNTER,there really cool cars!well SEE YA!!!

my favorite actor

Hey my favorite actor is Will Ferrel he is hillariousse hes really really well paid and hes a great comedie actor!!!he did alote of movies my favorite movie of him is BLADES OF GLORY its really really funny!!!hes one hell of a actor i love him hes the best. you got to see the funny comedie movies that he did!!!BY

my internet!

you no wath i really hate my internet!Y cause me at home i cant even get wi-fi on my wii or on my ds!Eache time me and my bro trys to set up the internet on the wii or go on wi-fi it never works i really hate wen that happenes!i think its broken or smt like that i dont no y it dosent work, it really drives me crazy!But one of those days im gonna have a good internet and WI-FI is gonna work! BY :evil:

olympic games

hey canada are not taking the olympic games seriously! they gotta take it up a notche you no!i want them to win!if they wanna reprensent there country they gotta win!so far they dont even have one medal!its embarassing for us you no!well im steal gonna chear and vote for them. we cant give up now we still have a chance of winning!SEE YA!

my first airsoft gun!!

Hey i got my first airsoft gun yesterday!I love its so cool, but my dad wont let me and my brother play by shooting are selve you no.A airsoft is for shooting other people, its not for target shooting!But this mornin by accident i shot my brother in the face:P!!!But i really like it,so boys and girls you need to buy one if you dont have one! By

guitar hero world tour

You people are gonna have to try or buy the new guitar hero world tour.its gonna have a microphone,a guitar and a drum, juste like rock band,but its gonna bee better its gonna bee cooler 8)!And the harder you hit the drum the harder the noise will bee!Well me and my bro will buy it!SEE WA!

you got to see it!!!

hey!You people have got to see the movie DEAD OR ALIVE its AWEEEESOOOOOMME!!!Its like a bunche of hot chickes beating them selves up :P!!!And theres a guy how super powers or smt and,they have to beat him up and save a girles brother, before the bomb! its really cool you guys have to rent it its so coooool!