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nbbrocker13 Blog


hi people just me again. im gonna tell a little about the naked brothers band and why i like them. the naked brothers band consists of 5 guys and 1 girl. the five guys are alex, nat, tom, david, and quaasim. the one girl is rosalina(allie dimeco).they have 2 albums, some of their songs in the first one are taxi cab, crazy car, i could be, im out, l.a., and run. some of the songs in the second album are threeis enough, tall girls short girls... you, body i occupy, and why. i like them because i thinkn they have good music and the have a good tv show. if you have never heard of them then you should check them out, but if you dont like them, then you should reconsider how you feel about them because they are a really good band

nbb vs. miley cyrus

miley cyrus vs. naked brothers band

in my opinion the naked brothers band wins this by a longshot. why you ask. because personally i dont like miley cyrus at all. miley cyrus, hannah montana, i really dont care what her name is, she is so stupid. now i dont have anything against the people who are fans of miley cyrus or the show hannah montana because i have a lot of friends who love hannah montana the show and miley cyrus. i just dont understand how people like her show or her music, it is just so stupid. but as i said before i have nothing against those of you who like her work. the naked brothers band they have good music, and a good show. the show is sometimes over dramatized like in the movie polar bears when alex attempt to lift the bus, that was kinda stupid because he is 8 or 9 years old and should have some common sense. this was the first blog i wrote so i hope it was good. :)