For the last few months i have kept up with several games that i have egerly been awaiting but the most annpying thing is about most of them, is that the majority dont even have release dates or extremely few pieces of decent news or other media. They are as follws:
-Dawn of war 2
-Tom Clancy's Endwar
I know that Endwar has now been anounced but it comes out on the day of Gears of war 2 so it is extremely annoying as i ont be able to get both in quick succession. The most dissapointing thing of all is that in Dawn of war 2, they showed a live demo at PAX this year but the word "Live" was used in the wrong context and only people who were at PAX could witness it and because of the lack of media being released about PAX there is no streameable videos showing it. Also, for [Prototype], there has been very little news about the game in ages other than the first trailers but it would have been nice for them to release something every once in a while just to let the fans know its on track.
If anyone knows anything new in relation to these 3 games then please message me and i would be extremely grateful. :)
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