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Best video game vehicles

In video games you will usually find  a car or tank or something else thats made out of metal and you can drive and has a powerful weapon on it that you cant find not on the vehicle. In this blog i will list the three best possible video game vehicles i can find.

1) The scorpion from Halo 1 and 2. This tank has a weird design as its cannon is as thin as a amercian supermodel thats had liposuction and the driver is very easy to hit due to no protection from the armour. But this tank can still deliver huge amounts of damage on a massive scale. And to prove it if you go and buy halo 2 you find that there is a level where you just drive this thing and take aout amount 50 enemy vehicles. Now THATS power.

2) Next up is the most powerful vehicle frommy favourite game battalion wars.... the battle station. I know this has a strange name and i havent managed to get an image again but this monster has two massive frontal cannons, three heavy bolter turrets and finally two bazukka cannons. If any infrantry or enemy ytanks come up against this they are DEAD. Though there are obviously some down sides. First the frontal cannons can only fire straight in front of the tank and its very vurnable to air units and possibly sea units in the next game.

3) Finally the vehicle in which any stunt is possible is the SUV from crack down. Sure you have to get you driving skills up max to get the best results out of this car but its well worth it. This car has the ability to charge up a boost and jump amazing heights while still having the ability to drive other literally anything. This may not be a power house vehicle like the two i just mentioned but you'll see if you get the game.